
Welcome! I love to share, so please use the resources you find here. I love to collaborate and discuss my passion for teaching and learning, so reach out. You can find me on TwitterLinkedIn, or email me at anne@fensie.com.

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Learner Engagement Activated podcast from the AECT Learner Engagement Division

Learner Engagement Activated

Hosted by Anne Fensie

Take learner engagement to the next level with the latest in research and applications for students at all ages, levels, and environments. In this podcast, we talk with leaders in the field of learner engagement research and application to bring you advice for how to increase learner engagement to improve student outcomes.

How to Close the Distance in Online Learning

Listen to some of my thoughts on how to design effective online instruction.

Instructional Videos

Watch some of the instructional videos I have created in the playlist below.

Universal Design for Learning Resources

Here are some of the materials I use to teach Universal Design for Learning. Take a look and feel free to copy any of the files for your own use. If you use any of them, I would love to know how they work out for you or how you adapt them. Thanks!